Recombinant Allergens

Recombinant Allergens | ABG Biotech
Type Name Cat #
Food of Animal Origin Baltic Cod Fish RA10052 details
Atlantic Cod Fish RA10068 details
Salmon RA10088 details
Shrimp RA10056 details
Milk RA10071 details
Egg white RA10073 details
Food of Plant Origin Peanut RA10057 details
Soybean RA10067 details
Soybean RA10051 details
Apple RA10058 details
Celery RA10059 details
Orange RA10061 details
Peach RA10062 details
String bean RA10074 details
Banana RA10075 details
Pear RA10076 details
Strawberry RA10077 details
Pineapple RA10078 details
Barley RA10079 details
Carrot RA10085 details
Apricot RA10086 details
Epidermals and Animal Proteins Cat Dander RA10047 details
Dog Dander RA10055 details
House Dust Mites Dermatophagoides Farinae RA10060 details
Dermatophagoides Pteronyssinus RA10072 details
Insects Cockroach German RA10064 details
Molds Alternaria Tenuis RA10053 details
Aspergillus Fumigatus RA10054 details
Cladosporium Herbarum RA10065 details
Penicillium Notatum RA10066 details
Tree Pollens Birch Pollen RA10048 details
Oak Tree RA10070 details
Weed Pollens English plantain RA10069 details
Short Ragweed Common RA10084 details
Grass Pollens Timothy 1 RA10063 details
Bahia RA10080 details
Bermuda RA10081 details

Recombinant Baltic cod fish allergen

Recombinant Baltic cod fish allergen

Recombinant Atlantic cod fish allergen

Recombinant Atlantic cod fish allergen

Recombinant Salmon fish allergen

Recombinant Salmon fish allergen

Recombinant Shrimp/crab allergen

Recombinant shrimp and crab allergen

Recombinant Milk allergen

Recombinant Milk allergen

Recombinant Egg white allergen

recombinant egg white allergen

Recombinant Peanut allergen

recombinant peanut allergen

Recombinant Soybean allergen

recombinant soybean allergen

Recombinant Soybean allergen

recombinant soybean allergen Gly m4

Recombinant Apple allergen

recombinant apple allergen

Recombinant Celery allergen

recombinant celery allergen

Recombinant Orange allergen

recombinant orange allergen

Recombinant Peach allergen

recombinant peach allergen

Recombinant String Bean allergen

recombinant string bean allergen

Recombinant Banana allergen

recombinant banana allergen

Recombinant Pear allergen

recombinant pear allergen

Recombinant Strawberry allergen

recombinant strawberry allergen

Recombinant Pineapple allergen

recombinant pineapple allergen

Recombinant Barley allergen

recombinant barley allergen

Recombinant Carrot allergen

recombinant carrot allergen

Recombinant Apricot allergen

recombinant apricot allergen

Recombinant Cat dander allergen

recombinant cat dander allergen

Recombinant Dog dander allergen

recombinant dog dander allergen

Recombinant D. farinae allergen

recombinant D. farinae allergen

Recombinant D. pteronyssinus allergen

recombinant D. pteronyssinus allergen

Recombinant German Cockroach allergen

recombinant german cockroach allergen

Recombinant Alternaria tenuis allergen

recombinant alternaria tenuis allergen

Recombinant Aspergillus fumigatus allergen

recombinant aspergillus fumigatus allergen

Recombinant Caldosporium herbarum allergen

recombinant caldosporium herbarum allergen

Recombinant Penicillium notatum allergen

recombinant penicillium notatum allergen

Recombinant Birch pollen allergen

recombinant birch pollen allergen

Recombinant Oak tree allergen

recombinant oak tree allergen

Recombinant English plantain allergen

Recombinant English plantain allergen

Recombinant Short ragweed common allergen

recombinant short ragweed common allergen

Recombinant Timothy grass allergen

recombinant timothy grass allergen

Recombinant Bahia allergen

recombinant bahia allergen

Recombinant Bermuda grass allergen

recombinant bermuda grass allergen